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没有想象中好 其实有更多选择 只不过第一次去丽江 下次应该有更好选择


不管是情侣旅行 ,独自出行,还是家庭出游都是不错的选择,老板人超级好,给人一种家的感觉。熟悉的口音给人亲切感,相信客栈会越来越好的!



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  • yzm说:
    房间内部整洁干净挺好,二楼走廊窄感觉小压抑,位置偏深视野看不出去,服务挺热情[2019-02-26 03:02]
  • 会员4918说:
    老板人很好,就是在丽江古城里,不过感觉屋里好冷,开空调都不管用,可能我这北方人感受不了[2019-02-24 03:52]
  • 会员6440说:
    客栈老板很热情哦 一来还给我们吃苹果 还给我们交代注意事项[2019-02-19 20:11]
  • 会员1541说:
    这间是给两位老妈预订的特色双色房,两位老妈很喜欢,一致通过继续住两晚。这里离古城很近,酒足饭饱逛逛古城,逛着逛着就逛回来了,真心方便!回来还可以在庭院坐坐摇椅,玩玩桌球,老妈们见我们玩的悠闲,也是乐哉乐哉!Ps:在古城遇到各种小问题,都可以找老板咨询,老板人很热情,我们住的也舒心![2019-01-13 09:19]
  • 会员8425说:
    客栈非常好,标准的四合园,房间非常干净,而且在古城里面,非常方便!尤其是小老板非常热情,我们到后还过来领我们进去,省了80元的古城维护费,还推荐了一日游的纯玩团![2018-12-29 12:27]
  • 会员9613说:
    网上看评论找的客栈,实际环境比网上拍出的照片效果要好,因为视角的关系,非常喜欢,十月份去的,院子里晒太阳好温暖,管家会贴心地煮红糖水,新鲜采摘的水果,房间也很有特色,包括钥匙串也有着民族风味。下次去丽江,仍然住这家。[2018-12-29 08:24]
  • 会员9499说:
    很好找,闹中取静,在清吧街附近[2018-12-20 13:50]
  • 会员9128说:
    超级棒的客栈!!!个人比较懒,旅行无数次都没写过评论,可是这次东巴客栈真的让我印象很深!出发前一天,老板娘暖暖就给我们打了电话,提醒我们丽江游玩的注意事项,并帮我们订了机场到客栈的接机车。刚到丽江古城,客栈的帅哥小强就过来帮我们从古城路口提行李到客栈。感动!更惊喜的是,老板娘帮我们免费升级了房间!!!房间设施一流,干净整洁,还贴心的准备了棉签和卸妆棉。而且他们家的小院子也很别致,老板娘成天招呼我们过去喝茶聊天,十分热情,并给我们推荐了吃的玩的,在丽江这几天的行程都很充实很开心,幸亏有老板娘和帅哥在。这家客栈给人感觉很温馨,很贴心,最重要是里面的人很好,帮我们晾衣服,带路。男朋友生病了,老板娘还贴心地给了一碗鲫鱼汤给他喝。总的来说,服务一流,环境一流,人情味满满!! Outstanding and personalised services are provided by the hosts. They were very accommodating and attentive to guests requests. You will feel at home with such wonderful hosts and other guests around. If you are lucky enough, you would be in for a few surprises and treats, like we did![2018-12-17 22:01]
  • 彭雁翎说:
    老板好热情哦,推荐的吃的玩的都很好。[2018-12-15 18:12]
  • 会员3758说:
    TERRIBLE SERVICE, TERRIBLE HOTEL!! AVOID THIS HOTEL!!!!!! First, they called me the night before I arrived at 21:00 when I was in another city, to tell me that my room would not be available (even though the reservation had been paid and my reservation confirmed a week earlier) because the clients occupying my room... decided to stay longer!!! The message (translated by a client) was from the manager: she is completely incompetent and irresponsible! I was shocked! I told them it was not my problem and had to argue with 2 persons for 20 minutes, when they finally decided to keep the room I had reserved. I was very furious!!! During my stay, I never had a good service and nobody in the staff could speak even basic English!!! The staff have not even tried to help me and nobody was at the reception to help most of the time. (Shelly, a visitor, was very, very kind and helpful when she was around, but she is not working there.) The room was very small and much too expensive. One night, some clients were very loud and disturbed me until midnight, but the manager did nothing about it. Also, someone from the staff came in my locked room when I was gone, but did not clean it and left it unlocked!! Location: not very good; construction everywhere around, high entrance fee to access the Old Lijiang (nobody had told me). Better to go to the other old village, Shuhe, which has more ambiance and no access fee. No ambiance at all in this hotel I have traveled in many places in China and found some great hostels, but this was the most terrible I had seen. AVOID THIS HOTEL, THE SERVICE AND THE MANAGER ARE JUST TERRIBLE!!!![2018-11-08 09:31]
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